Jaiden has developed oral fungus, thanks to the confinement lady!!! Oral fungus is caused by unhygienic way of preparing milk. The paed asked us how did we prepare Jaiden's milk. We told him what the confinement lady does normally. She will boil the bottles once a day in the morning. THAT'S ALL!! After feeding Jaiden, she will wash the bottles with plain water and soak it back into the same pot of water that she boiled in the morning. Urrrrggghhh!!! I didn't know that's how she prepare milk for Jaiden. Due to this, Jaiden has to suffer from oral fungus. And due to this too, we have to change all the bottle teats and the pacifier.
Paed prescribed Jaiden Daktarin Oral Gel. We have to apply the gel on the pacifier and let Jaiden to suck. This medication is very effective. After applying once, we saw a major improvement in Jaiden's mouth. The fungus has reduced a lot. After 5 times, fungus in Jaiden's mouth has totally disappeared.
Now onwards, I have to take control on sterilizing all the bottles to make sure that they are clean before every feed.
Jaiden 2nd outing (both 1st and 2nd outing is going to see the paed): -
Not too clear, but some fungus grown on Jaiden's lips can be seen...